铝丝或铝条 | |
典型成分% | Si 4,50-5,50 |
分类 | EN ISO 18273 : S Al 4043A (AlSi5 (A)) |
基础材料 | See table |
注意 | This alloy is particularly used to prevent solidification cracks in connection with high dilution and clamp conditions. Anodizing gives dark gray colours and is not recommended. The weld pool is very fluid. Consider the technological application reference. |
物理性质 of pure. weld metal (Approx. values) | 0,2 % yield strength Rp0,2 [MPa] : 40 |
焊接位置 | PA, PB, PC, PF |
保护气体 | I1, I2, I3 (Argon, Helium or Argon/Helium-mixtures) |
极性 | MIG =+, WIG ~ |
批准 | Sur demande |
尺寸 | MIG-wires [mm] : 0,8 ; 1,0 ; 1,2 ; 1,6 ; 2,0 ; 2,4 |
焊丝包装材料 | Spools : Packaging units S 100 / 0,5 kg : 20 spools = 10 kg (box) |
焊条包装材料 | Carton 5 kg ; carton 10 kg : Length 1.000 mm |